Theydies and Gentlethems, the man is back and it's all straight fire.
GRM Daily (@GRMDaily) hit 5 million subscribers on Youtube and what better way to celebrate such a massive milestone than to release a Daily Duppy - a show that has given us some of the hardest bars over the years - starring the man with the GOATED pen, Ghetts.
Again my man comes in and drops pure heat in a way only Ghetts can. I could go on and on about how brilliant Ghetts is as an artist so I won't keep you here all day because I want you to see it for yourselves but I will add a few things. Not only is his delivery clear and crisp, the way he rides between the beat is something not many MCs can do. He comes in light but you know as is always the case with Ghetts, as the song goes on the temperature is constantly rising and by the end of it even the surface of the sun seems cool.
The way he rides the beat, switches up his flow and his use of metaphors and similes is the stuff of dreams. Many MCs are currently sitting in their rooms with the pen and pad out because there's no way you can listen to a Ghetts drop and not be inspired to be better and also extremely aware of just how far behind you are.
A few notable bars"
"Me caught lacking?
Summer holiday with the gang,
my boy that means we're all packing"
You'll never catch Ghetts lacking.
"I'm from a different time.
Book of Eli, I go different blind"
Anyone who's seen The Book Of Eli will know just how insane this is. Do yourself a favour an check it out.
So why you got your mouth wide again like You ain't coming outside again
. I'm by the window Malcoming, the last of the Mohicans scapling them"
A bar about the iconic human rights activist Malcolm X holding an M1 carbine while peering out a window.
"You could scream your name into a well my guy and you still wouldn't sound this deep"
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